Censorship, meat cleavers and India’s trans mayor
Your Daily Package of newsy and naughty bits from around the world
Your Daily Package of newsy and naughty bits from around the world
I’ll support Trinity Western’s law school if it drops its covenant
The people who shaped our year for the better
RRANS helped relocate Navid, a native Iranian, to the east coast
Signs Point to Yes is a new kind of mystery
New Canadian web comic features gender-non-binary characters, queer relationships
The people who shaped our year for the better
Nothing remains as baffling, and joyous, as the ugly Christmas sweater
Jury finds former escort and pornstar guilty of five criminal charges
The people who shaped our year for the better
‘It took me five attempts . . . to get any help,’ Toronto woman alleges
Justice Jamie Campbell to give ruling in early 2015
Prejudging future graduates infringes upon human rights, says Bob Kuhn
‘This is a bad law,’ says Pink Triangle Press president
Religious communities’ autonomy over their affairs rejected: lawyer
Acting executive director wants community input
Human rights organization highlights personal stories in its latest campaign
Barristers’ society has no authority to refuse law school’s approval: lawyer