Part of our mission at Xtra is making sure we meet readers where they are.
That means we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for you to engage with us across multiple platforms, like Facebbok, TikTok and X. We also do our best to tailor content specifically for those platforms. That means you might be missing out if you’ve subscribed to us in one place but not the others.
That’s a really important point right now because many of Xtra’s Canadian readers can’t access our content on Facebook and Instagram because of Meta’s response to Bill C-18.

So check to see how you’re connected to us—you might be missing out on our award-winning journalism. The full list of our channels is below. Follow us on as many as you can. And if you think there’s somewhere we should be and aren’t, send an email to our editorial director for consideration.
As always, thanks for your support. It means we can continue to produce and share the stories that matter to you.
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- You can subscribe to Xtra’s newsletters, along with those from other Pink Triangle Press publications right here.
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What else are you looking for?
Here is where you can find…
- Our masthead;
- About us: a short essay on Xtra’s history and an explanation of our logo design;
- Inside Xtra: periodically, we publish stories about our staff and the work we do;
- Editorial standards: where we outline newsroom ethics and guidelines, our diversity statement and report, fact checking standards, corrections and requests to unpublish stories, our ownership structure and funding model, our editorial independence and our audience and community feedback;
- Privacy policy: all the legal fine print about any personal data we collect and what we do with it;
- Terms of use: even more legalese around our user agreement.
And here is our contact info: meet the team, how to contribute, how to advertise and sponsorship.