A genderqueer fantasy

New Canadian web comic features gender-non-binary characters, queer relationships

When you think about mystical, magical lands, the first thing that comes to mind probably isn’t Canada.

But consider the thousands upon thousands of miles of untouched forests; think of the remote sea coasts and icy tundra landscapes. Approximately 90 percent of Canada is uninhabited, so that leaves a lot of room for magic.

Eth’s Skin, a new web comic by Halifax artist Sfé R Monster, reimagines a Canada where humans live on floating maritime cities and fantastic creatures roam the coastland.

“It’s a story set in a slightly different British Columbia,” Sfé explains on the Eth’s Skin site, “where raft cities called townships make up the bulk of civilization, and selkies and sea monsters swim through kelp forests and avoid strange masked land-dwellers called Beachwalkers.”

Beyond the supernatural, Eth’s Skin is also magical in that it features beautiful art and is “a queer (and genderqueer) fantasy full of monsters and low tides, cool non-binary individuals, queer relationships, and a pet pygmy harbour seal named Goblin.”

As of January the series has been running for a year, so get ready to dive into a good chunk of the story the artist has already created.

Michael Lyons is a queer-identified, chaotic neutral writer, activist, misanthrope, sapiosexual, and feline enthusiast. He is a columnist, blogger and regular contributor with Xtra and has contributed to Plenitude Magazine, KAPSULA Magazine, Crew Magazine, Memory Insufficient e-zine, The Ryersonian, Buddies Theatre blog, Toronto Is Awesome blog and Fab Magazine and more.

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