Meet the Team

Managing Director

Jennifer McGuire

Jennifer (she/her) is responsible for the vision, voice and strategy of all content and content-driven product development across platforms at Pink Triangle Press (PTP), which publishes Xtra. Prior to PTP, McGuire was a visiting fellow with the Reuters Institute of Journalism at Oxford University. Before that she held many key roles at the CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster, including the leadership of CBC Radio, Local CBC, and from 2009-2020 she was the general manager and editor-in-chief of CBC News, the longest serving in CBC history. McGuire is known for leading the development of The Current and other iconic CBC shows. She lives in Toronto. She speaks English and is functional in French. 

Editorial Director

Angela Mullins

Angela (she/her) is responsible for all editorial content at Xtra Magazine and across Pink Triangle Press. Before coming to PTP, she worked as a senior editor at the Toronto Star, leading the creation of the Star’s first national news team. Most recently, she created and led a Star newsroom department responsible for impact-driven journalism to serve and reflect underrepresented communities. Formerly, she held leadership roles at a variety of news publications across Canada and the U.S., including deputy editor of the national Metro News chain, and has been at the forefront of many award-winning projects in print and digital publications. Angela speaks English and lives in Toronto. 

Managing Editor, Xtra

Tara-Michelle Ziniuk

Tara-Michelle Ziniuk (she/her) is the managing editor of Xtra; she was previously senior editor, politics. Prior to working at Xtra, she was editor of This Magazine and Toronto editor at The Dominion/Media Co-op. She has been published in JoylandMaisonneuveToday’s ParentReader’s DigestBitchHerizonsQuill & Quire and various other outlets. She speaks English and lives in Toronto.

Managing Editor, Health

Ziya Jones

Ziya Jones

Ziya (they/them) is a Montreal-based writer and editor. They speak English and conversational French. Prior to Xtra, they worked as a senior editor at Reader’s Digest Canada, and as a regional trainer teaching Solutions Journalism with Journalists for Human Rights. Their writing has appeared in the Toronto Star, HazlittChatelaineMaisonneuve and Eater, and they have been nominated for a National Magazine Award for best short feature. They won gold at the Digital Publishing Awards for best news coverage in a community publication, for their contribution to Xtra’s Canadian federal election coverage. 

Senior Editor, Audience Engagement

Mel Woods

Mel (they/them) is a writer, editor and audio producer based in Vancouver. Prior to joining Xtra, they worked as an associate editor for HuffPost Canada, covering viral and trending stories. Their freelance reporting and personal writing has appeared in The Walrus, Briarpatch, Vice, the Globe and Mail, Slate and the CBC. Their work has been recognized by the Canadian Online Publishing Awards, the Digital Publishing Awards, the Canadian Association of Journalists, the RTDNA Awards and the Online Journalism Awards. They speak English.

Contributing editor

Oliver Haug

Oliver (they/them) is a freelance writer based in the Bay Area, California. Their work focuses on LGBTQ2S+ issues and sexual politics, and has appeared in Bitch, them, Ms and elsewhere.

Editorial Designer

Elham Numan

Elham (she/her) is a multi-disciplinary graphic designer and illustrator. She also contributes design and illustrative work at St.Joseph Communications’ Patron Studio. Before joining Xtra, she was a designer at FLARE. Her design and illustrative work has appeared in FLAREToday’s ParentChatelaine, to name a few. Elham is based in Toronto and speaks English. 

Advertising & Partnership Manager

Lorilynn Barker

Lorilynn Barker

Lorilynn (she/her) oversees all advertising sales operations and advertising strategies supporting the revenue generation for Xtra, and Daily Xtra Travel. Lorilynn also works with our community and business partners building relationships and partnerships within our communities, locally, as well as globally. Lorilynn has been with Pink Triangle Press for 10 years, and has worked as an account manager and team lead before her role as advertising manager. She lives in Ottawa and speaks English.

Marketing & Brand Manager

Mitchell Cheeseman

Mitchell (he/him) oversees the marketing strategies and promotional activities that support Xtra. Previously, he was a member of Xtra’s advertising team where he managed the production of branded content campaigns for advertising clients. He is based in Toronto and speaks English.

What else are you looking for?

Here is where you can find…

  • Our masthead;
  • About us: a short essay on Xtra’s history and an explanation of our logo design;
  • Our principlesXtra informs, engages and inspires;
  • Inside Xtra: periodically, we publish stories about our staff and the work we do;
  • Editorial standards: where we outline newsroom ethics and guidelines. fact checking standards, corrections and requests to unpublish stories, our ownership structure and funding model, our editorial independence, our diversity statement and our audience and community feedback;
  • Privacy policy: all the legal fine print about any personal data we collect and what we do with it;
  • Terms of use: even more legalese around our user agreement.