Canadian government has stopped accepting LGBT Iranian refugees to prioritize Syrian refugees
Dylan C Robertson
Canada asked to take in more LGBT refugees after Trump ‘Muslim ban’
An emergency debate in the House of Commons asked the government if it would take in more LGBT refugees from citizens of the seven banned countries
Why is Canada only now accepting more LGBT asylum claims?
Documents obtained by Xtra show fewer LGBT refugees arriving in Canada but more asylum requests granted
How one trans woman prompted Canadian jails to stop sorting inmates by genitalia
Teresa Windsor raised the issue with Justin Trudeau, causing federal jails to change course just three days after prolonging ‘reprehensible’ policy
Class-action lawsuit proceeds on government, military purge in Canada
Public servants asked to preserve documents
Advocacy group wants coin, stamp, to celebrate 50 years of gay decriminalization
Canadian government curtailed buggery and gross indecency charges in 1969, though arrests continued