The lesbian feminist writer passed on Nov. 6
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The lesbian feminist writer passed on Nov. 6
REVIEW: Sydney Hegele’s new novel is a queer take on the the genre of southern Ontario gothic literature
REVIEW: At its best, this pedagogy of fucking makes transgressive queer desire palpable
Kai advises a reader who is having trouble moving on from a years-old hurt
After a harrowing youth and a wild career, the 68-year-old musician and author is clear on one thing: queer people are fighters
New study examines the nature of intimate partner violence in queer and trans communities
Keffals believes that she has no other choice but to flee the country for her own safety
Neil Smith’s tortuous upbringing made “family” the ultimate F word
My girlfriend and I are experiencing a lot of high-intensity conflict and anger—which is making me question whether either of us is being abusive
Non-abusive conflict can still lead to harm. But, Kai says, “taking accountability is not the same thing as giving up your truth”
Catherine Hernandez gracefully adapts her hit novel “Scarborough” for the big screen
We should be asking difficult questions about our child pornography laws
Holy See rejects findings of Cloyne Report into abuse
Youthful sexuality, censorship & Canada’s child pornography law
Dunlop refused to testify at inquiry he triggered
Such an admission of laziness on the part of a journalist is shocking
Cops will have the right to jail any teen