Exhibit juxtaposes boy scouts and cruising spots
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Exhibit juxtaposes boy scouts and cruising spots
‘To know that it stops here… it’s sad’
Relive the parade with our play-by-play
Check out our commentary and pics from the award show
Cheap Queers: Cabaret at its most demented
Victor J Mukasa on his lesbian identity
On the band’s new album, the reaction to him coming out as trans and what he thinks of touring
Checking in with the star who outed herself & got ousted
Xtra.ca asks cool queers to look ahead to 2049
Check out our video from the flag raising
Honey Bee teaches Capital Xtra’s Luna Allison how to skate, fall & get physical
Adorable images of an ultra-cute, self-obsessed Spanish model/designer/stylist/writer
City strike takes toll on major Pride party