Out in Vancouver: March 2–8, 2017

Choice events in the city this week

Thursday, March 2

Belfast Girls

In this stage production leading up to International Women’s Day, five Irish women make a desperate crossing to Australia to escape famine. In the midst of the difficult passage, a tender love affair blossoms between two of the women. See playwright Jaki McCarrick’s new play in White Rock or Vancouver, and for an interesting peek into the historical background, check out irishfaminememorial.org/orphans/.

8pm. March 1–11, Coast Capital Playhouse, 1532 Johnston Road, White Rock. Tickets $15–27 online.

8pm. March 15–18. The Cultch, 1895 Venables St, Vancouver. Tickets $25–30 online. peninsulaproductions.org/

Vancouver International Dance Festival

I must admit it took a while to do this listing; I spent most of the time watching the video of the hot male shirtless dancers in satin pants on repeat. Have you ever noticed how satin clings to things? This year the VIDF presents a broad spectrum of dance from the slow introspection of Butoh, a Japanese dance form, to the dynamic precision of ballet. Street dance b-boys mix with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra in works that will surprise and delight. The full performance listings, times, ticket prices and venues around town are online, but check out Matthew Romantini, a Toronto dance artist, who will be performing in Crumbling at the Woodward’s Production Studio, 111 W Hastings St, March 9-11 at 5pm.

Festival runs until Saturday, March 25. vidf.ca/

Super Gay Celebrities

No, it’s not a full night of Conni Smudge, although that would be fun. She’s like a cross between Lucille Ball and Ethel Merman. For those born this century, Google them. A new monthly night brings the gay back to Davie Street like the old days. Who better to open than some of the gayest talent we have, including Alma B Itches, Ilona Verley, Femenade, Jack Slayer, Del Stamp, Skylar Love and more.

10pm–3am. Celebrities, 1022 Davie St. Free entrance with RSVP online. facebook.com/events/1651884221779346/

Elbow Room Café: The Musical

If you didn’t want a bitchy server, you should have stayed home. Watch our video on this big gay musical ode to Vancouver’s iconic “abuse” café. Written by Peach Cobblah’s alter ego, Dave Deveau, and directed by Isolde N Barron’s alter ego, Cameron Mackenzie, this show is sure to be a hit.


Thursday, March 2, 8pm; March 34 and 711 at 8pm; March 4, 5, 11 and 12, 2pm. York Theatre, 639 Commercial Dr. Tickets $10–44 at thecultch.com. More info at thecultch.com/events/elbow-room-the-musical/

Friday, March 3

Get Your Art On

There’s a local drag legend living in the village who will probably think this is some kind of party for him, but keep your pants on, Art, there are no go-go boys here. Tonight is the ninth annual Get Your Art On with Vancouver West End MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert, and will feature burlesque, live music, art, food and drink. Plus, you can purchase a canvas and paint your own piece of art. This is a chance to support and celebrate all the work our West End MLA does.

Door 6:30pm, entertainment 7:15pm. PAL Theatre, 581 Cardero St. Tickets $125 online at secure.bcndp.org/event/547

Puppy-Tails Social

For those of you who just can’t get away for the regular Saturday afternoon puppy party, here’s a night-time version. Yes, you will still get to see the pups play, romp, sniff a few butts and lick a few crotches. But be ready with the tummy rubs, because at night these pups will flip on their back at any hint of a free rub. Wear your leather, rubber, fuzzy, or whatever other gear you want. Gear is admired but never required. Having fun is the only requirement.

8–11pm. Pumpjack Pub, 1167 Davie St. No cover before 9pm, $5 after. facebook.com/groups/vanpah/

Saturday, March 4

Spring Up

Spring will soon be in the air, and nobody gets the spring hornies like a rubber man. I guess they’re so horny because it takes so long to get out of the rubber. This is the Rubbout 26 kick-off, so get together, suck some rubber on each other, dress up some unsuspecting cotton guys gear, and plan some hijinks for the weekend. Count me in; rubber is the perfect second skin.

2—5pm. Pumpjack Pub, 1167 Davie St. No cover. facebook.com/groups/vancouverrubbermen/

The Drag Show FUNdraiser

You may think the suburbs are dull and boring compared to our little corner of the gay world — all three blocks of it. But there are actually drag queens living off the grid who put on great shows. Mz Adrien, who has been around since the days of the Dufferin Hotel — yes that long ago — is taking her show even beyond New Westminster. Join the Mz and her friends as they put on a FUNdraiser for the Alouette Addictions Services for youth.

7pm. Pitt Meadows Heritage Hall, 12460 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows. Tickets $60 at aasdragshow.wixsite.com/dragshow. More info at facebook.com/events/833234480151200/.

A Variety Of Queers Benefit Concert

I, for one, am interested in just how many varieties of queers there are, and which variety I am. Not that I like to be pegged into one category, but I’d like to see the options first. This night showcases a wealth of diverse talent in Vancouver’s queer community, with a dance party to follow. Everyone is welcome for singing, dancing, burlesque, drag, comedy and more to support Rainbow Refugee, which helps people fleeing persecution because of their sexual orientation, gender or HIV status.

7pm–1am. The Wise Hall, 1882 Adanac St. Tickets $25 at brownpapertickets.com with all profits going to Rainbow Refugee. facebook.com/events/245940295831685/

Backdoor Horse Meat Disco

Now we are getting to the meat of the men’s party scene: Horse Meat Disco. When my partner Paul, my “best man” Megan and I were in London for our wedding, we grabbed my future sister-in-law and headed to the only night women can get into the London Eagle. Of course with a name like Horse Meat, our two straight females were expecting to see just that. But the London gay boys thought they were the cutest couple, and bought them drinks while Paul and I didn’t get any. Now VAL is having a Horse Meat Disco of their own, and from the looks of the go-go line-up, horse meat is what there will be. Hard Addison, QT Drake and Kyle from Berlin Go Go Gentleman are just a taste of what is to come. With two rooms, four DJs and the slogan “queer disco is for everyone” how could it not be a great night?

9pm–3am. Vancouver Art & Leisure, 1965 Main St. Tickets $25–30 at residentadvisor.net and facebook.com/events/1421292807880911/.

Testostérone GEAR

Seems like more and more out of town parties are making their way to Vancouver. Maybe we should take a couple of our events on tour. If you need a bodyguard, promoter or fluffer, just let me know where to send my resume. Testostérone GEAR from Montréal returns for another sizzling hot night of fetish and fun with DJs Ron Hamelin and Gingerbear Todd. They’ll warm you up like never before to get you ready for action, both on and off the dance floor. Strict dress code of leather, rubber, jockstrap, sport gear, military, uniform, singlet or underwear.

9pm–3am. The Odyssey, 686 W Hastings St. Tickets $10–20. facebook.com/events/432703490452449/

Sunday, March 5

A Day In Church: Support Bill C-16

Paul Dirks, a New Westminster pastor, started a campaign against the federal bill seeking to prohibit discrimination based on gender identity. Most Canadians, however, believe protecting trans rights is a good thing, and some of them have organized a protest outside Dirks’ church this Sunday to send the message that being trans and being Christian are not incompatible.

11:30am. Outside the New Westminster Community Baptist Church, 322 Hospital St, New Westminster. facebook.com/events/1865811373675986/

Monday, March 6

QueerProv: International Women’s Day

My dad used to say, “every day is women’s day.” That was because once during a fight my mom threw a pot of mashed potatoes at him, and I had to clean it up. It worked, though, and after that I never saw them have an argument that mom didn’t win. Tonight, QueerProv celebrates the day by bringing you the funniest queer ladies in town. Hosted by Sarah Dawn Pledge, with performances by Jamie Crest, Julia Stretch, Michele Tolosa, Alex Rowan and LeeAnn Keple.

8–9:30pm. XYYVR, 1216 Bute St. No cover. facebook.com/events/402810770050548/

Tuesday, March 7

Dirty Little Secrets

One of the funniest nights I’ve seen is back in town. You write your secret and place it in the jar; then the cast pulls out a secret and the improv is off and running. It’s hard to say which is funnier, the cast acting out the secret or the audience looking around to see who has the reddest face. The best part is you can stick around and join the weekly Karaoke party after, and then maybe you’ll have a new secret for next time.

7pm. XYYVR, 1216 Bute St. No cover, but $5 per secret. facebook.com/events/1320949987927462/

Wednesday, March 8

Red Ribbon Breakfast

The Red Ribbon Breakfast is an annual fundraiser that takes place over breakfast. This free networking event provides information about Positive Living BC, and a special video presentation on the membership will inspire people to give. By attending the Red Ribbon Breakfast and donating to Positive Living BC, you can become part of the Red Ribbon Circle of Supporters.

7:30–8:30am. Hyatt Regency Hotel, 655 Burrard St. RSVP at zorans@positivelivingbc.org or 604-893-2282. positivelivingbc.org/news-events/special-events/red-ribbon-breakfast/

International Women’s Day

Whether you’re a straight, gay, bisexual or trans woman, this is your day around the world. Thousands of events — global gatherings, conferences, awards, exhibitions, festivals, fun runs, corporate events, concert performances, speaking events, online digital gatherings and more. Events are held by women’s networks, corporations, charities, educational institutions, government bodies, political parties, the media and communities. To see what events are happening in Vancouver or any other city go to internationalwomensday.com/Events

Think there’s an upcoming event I should attend? Click here to list your event on dailyxtra.com or send me a note at oitc.vancouver@dailyxtra.com.

: Man about town scurrying into every bar, restaurant, nook and cranny looking for all the details to post the events you want to see. Drop me a line if you want your GLBT themed event, meeting, social, gathering, play party, circle jerk, listed online or even if you are one short for your orgy. I always aim to please.....unless its your eye...ouch!!!

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