New Green Party of Canada leader Amita Kuttner talks trans joy and breaking barriers
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New Green Party of Canada leader Amita Kuttner talks trans joy and breaking barriers
Trans candidates are proving the world is ready for LGBTQ+ political representation
The intolerance of Christian missionary communities leaves LGBTQ2S+ children with a lasting longing for a place to belong
Despite winning a crucial victory in 2015, Ashley Diamond is still fighting for her rights
“It is very hard for me to know that the state has gone out of its way to discriminate against me just because I’m transgender”
A well-meaning research project left out a big chunk of the queer community
The Oregon politician made history in 2008 as America’s first-ever openly transgender elected mayor
“It was painful to be turned away and we are thankful that this long journey for us is finally over”
Every year on Nov. 20, we mark the lives lost to anti-trans violence
OPINION: But the rewards are worth it, especially the sex—wet, filthy, kinky sex where bellies slap and flesh wobbles in shameless ecstasy
Director Bretten Hannam discusses his beautiful and difficult new film “Wildhood”
OPINION: As we head into the holiday season, brands are championing “gender neutral” lines that are really just fancy loungewear
Marie Laing discusses her landmark study on Indigenous queerness among urban youth
ANALYSIS: Claiming non-binary identity gives people space to explore. If queerness already puts you at a distance from normative masculinity, why stop there?
PERSONAL ESSAY: Inside one Palestinian American’s journey to self love
The first non-binary person elected in the province and the first trans woman elected in St. John’s is not what you might expect from a city councillor
As far-right organizers rack up victories on the anti-abortion front, they are zeroing in on their next target: trans communities
OPINION: Bill 2 would document both sex and gender identity on the birth registry—a major step back from past legal victories in the province