At the beginning of their biography Pop: The Genius of Andy Warhol, authors Tony Scherman and David Dalton describe the roots of Warhol (born Andrej Varhola Jr) as being in the northeastern part of Slovakia, in a town called Miková.
Hilariously, Scherman and Dalton paint the town as a “warren of bigotry . . . No homosexual, they claim, has ever come from Miková, and Andy Warhol was definitely not a ‘you-know-what.’”
I think the dozens of nude male asses might have something to say about that.
Art auction house Christie’s has been selling a collection of Warhol’s most erotic, sexy and queer photographs and drawings since the end of May.
Unfortunately, even if you have a few Ks to put down on one of these amazing pieces, the lots have now all ended, but just being able to view the collection is incredible. It’s often claimed that Warhol was asexual or a voyeur who distanced himself from sex, but the desire and eroticism of many these images show another side to the artist famous for his Spartan Campbell’s Soup or his colourful but alien Marilyn images.