The wildly successful No Straight Lines documented the history of queer comics and the artists who shaped them. Now a new anthology will tackle the artists who shape queer comics today, including some homegrown talent.
QU33R, a new anthology and something of a spiritual successor to No Straight Lines, is the brainchild of comic artist and editor Rob Kirby. The anthology will bring together 33 amazing, active queer artists. This includes a couple of my personal faves, like Sina Sparrow (whose upcoming Atash and the Man-Gods of the Homoverse I am just dying for) and Toronto artist Eric Kostiuk Williams, the creator of Hungry Bottom Comics (not to mention, the illustrator of the best column in the world).
QU33R is currently two days into a Kickstarter campaign and has already raised a quarter of the funds needed, though there is still a ways to go and less than a month to contribute to this amazing project.