Queers can do better
The Latest
Hot property
The Rufus on fire
No more goddamn speeches
Some things bring us together – and some don’t
Memo To: Toronto queers
Re: Free trade
Pussy too
The grrrls plan another bathhouse, but diss police liaison
Cruising busts
The census counts
Author calls on all Canadians to lie
Thin but limp
Eating disorders kill men’s sex drive
Flogged by virtual experts
‘Net SM players can be a danger in the real world
Genie in a bottle
How far will gay men go for a perfect body?
Blood sports
Ginger Snaps offers a sardonic spoof on high school rage
Right hook
It’s womanhood spelt backwards
Grand bland
This glam rock is offered up with a distancing wink
Breaking up made easy
Way too easy, as far as I’m concerned
Anatomy of risk
Negotiating HIV when your lover’s died
Dropping drug prices to stop cheap drugs
Big pharma companies will do anything to hold onto market share
Forced perspective
Breath Taking images are a pleasure without all the interpretation
Inch by inch
Crossing the inner divide