CLGRO submission on C-22
Standing Committee On Justice And Human Rights, March 2007
Standing Committee On Justice And Human Rights, March 2007
City hall insults queers again
Religion is treading where Caesar ought walk
Tories take on ‘sex crimes’ pardon
Even evangelicals are warming to homosexuality
Tradition dies hard in political circles
It’s wrong to try and shut down anti-choice activists
Andrew Brett leads fight against age of consent rise
Is this balance or the undermining of the rule of secular law?
Reid’s ‘Christian country’ not gay-friendly
Focus On The Family’s Darrel Reid gets plum job
Darrel Reid of Focus On The Family sets up shop on Parliament Hill
Sharp right, then a sudden stop, then throw it in reverse
Could stem cell research lead to same-sex progeny?
Age of consent likely to return to parliament first
Marriage amounts to privatizing our sex lives