The Monday Meat Street Beat….and a close encounter of the Vancouver’s Next Top Gay Model 2009 kind

*Just wanted to give some love to Rob, Amanda, Cody, Darren, Lindsay and Ciaran for throwing me a surprise birthday party last night despite me trying to have an anti-birthday this year. I love you guys*

In other news: guess who’s been asked to be a judge for Vancouver’s Next top Gay Model 2009? You can check out my mugshot along with the other judges’ here.

Today was the first round of the competition. I’m waiting on some photos from Terry Costa and crew before I make a posting. So check back this week on Wednesday or Thursday. I’ll also give an update on the next round of the competition then. I’m your deep throat, Vancouver (ha). I got stories to tell…

…this week is also the week when Dean Nelson and crew at WinterPRIDE release the event listings. I’ll be posting that here on UYA. If you haven’t booked your ticket and accommodation yet, get cracking and if you need help, check the “plan your trip” tab here. This is the Gay Ski Week of all Gay Ski Weeks.

In the meantime, a reader put me on to this group – a pair of DJs and a collective of pan-American talent called NASA. The song is money. And it is called “Money”:

These guys are like an upbeat Gorillaz. Me and some friends have tagged this as a key summer album. Release in February.

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