How much has changed since Matthew Shepard’s murder?
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How much has changed since Matthew Shepard’s murder?
Hate group didn’t show up to planned protest
Cops meet with gay community
But others say let him in
Ryan Cran could get out of prison in February
Gaybashing victim dies from surgery
The Centre holds community forum on violence
Westboro Baptist Church targets Laramie Project
Murderer gets lighter sentence for killing gay man
Why did Jordan Smith’s gaybashing spark a backlash against South Asians?
Community rally planned for Oct 12
Sentences are no deterrent to bashers
Crown better not drop the ball on alleged ‘cookie-cutter hate crime’: Deva
Stop Murder Music founder says he’s disappointed
How everything changed for Ottawa’s gay community
Official response from the island government is a step forward, says Stop Murder Music Canada
Three days in one of the most homophobic places on earth