And now, the grossest thing you’ve seen all day Toronto Diary And now, the grossest thing you’ve seen all day By Jeremy Feist
Kaleidoscope: new gay advocacy group launches Power Kaleidoscope: new gay advocacy group launches By Noreen Fagan
Pretty much anything done in a queeny voice = the funny Toronto Diary Pretty much anything done in a queeny voice = the funny By Jeremy Feist
David Miller will lead any party we will him to Politics David Miller will lead any party we will him to By Rob Salerno
Official interpretations of final instructions Power Official interpretations of final instructions By dale_smith
Caption this and win a $50 Caya gift certificate Love & Sex Caption this and win a $50 Caya gift certificate By Raziel Reid
Australian politician wants to reclaim ‘gay’ Power Australian politician wants to reclaim ‘gay’ By Rob Salerno