State’s governor says rights linked to marriages on hold pending resolution
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State’s governor says rights linked to marriages on hold pending resolution
Bernard Friedman is ninth federal judge to rule in favour of same-sex marriage
SFU professor Douglas Allen testified in Michigan gay marriage case
Measure would have extended rights to gay and straight couples
Steve Beshear says he’ll hire lawyers to challenge federal judge’s decision
Djuan Trent’s decision prompted by ruling ordering recognition of gay couples’ out-of-state marriages
Law criminalizing same-sex relations not strictly enforced
Ruling says state’s prohibition violates US constitution
Bill would allow businesses to refuse services on religious grounds
Gay couples will automatically become married unless they dissolve their domestic partnerships
‘Tradition alone cannot justify denying same-sex couples the right to marry,’ says judge
Can you guess which states support Utah’s effort to retain ban on gay marriage?
Lawmakers voted 105 to 18 in favour of the Marriage and Civil Partnership Bill
Interior minister suggests country is seeing formation of a ‘Tea Party à la française’
FEDERAL POLITICS / Bill C-279 now at second reading in Senate