Xtra columnist Kevin Dale McKeown (QQ), Danielle Ford and Xtra columnist Raziel Reid (Blitz & Shitz). Credit: Ash McGregor
Alain Simard and Xtra accountant Dennis Hartley. Credit: Ash McGregor
Former managing editor Gareth Kirkby, with Sabina Zahn. Credit: Ash McGregor
Carven Li, from Xtra's Top 30 Under 30, and Maggie MacAuley. Credit: Ash McGregor
Xtra’s managing editor, Robin Perelle, and photographer Victor Bearpark. Credit: Ash McGregor
Xtra’s director of advertising sales, Ken Hickling, with Gaetan Lamontagne. Credit: Ash McGregor
Xtra’s advertising coordinator, Lexi Chuba, with Mike Chisholm. Credit: Ash McGregor
Matthew Passarelli, John Roden and Ryan Sheepwash. Credit: Ash McGregor
Scott MacDonald and long-time Xtra contributor Brett Josef Grubisic. Credit: Ash McGregor
Sarah Francis, Serena Hillman and Ceone Veldman. Credit: Ash McGregor
Xtra turns 20 in Vancouver, and dailyxtra.com is born! Credit: Ash McGregor
Community members, contributors, advertisers and readers joined Xtra as, together, we celebrated 20 years of publishing in Vancouver, Oct 17 at Celebrities.
Thank you all for joining us, and for continuing to chronicle our community together.
Happy birthday to us!