We demand

The 10 demands of the Aug 28, 1971 Gay Day Committee.

1) The removal of the nebulous terms “gross indecency” and “indecent act” from the Criminal Code and their replacement by a specific listing of offences, and the equalization of penalties for all remaining homosexual and heterosexual acts; and defining “in private” in the Criminal Code to mean “a condition of privacy.”

2) Removal of “gross indecency” and “buggery” as grounds for indictment as a “dangerous sexual offender” and for vagrancy.

3) A uniform age of consent for all female and male homosexual and heterosexual acts.

4) The Immigration Act be amended so as to omit all references to homosexuals and “homosexualism.”

5) The right of equal employment and promotion at all government levels for homosexuals.

6) The Divorce Act be amended as to omit sodomy and homosexual acts as a ground for divorce; moreover, in divorce cases homosexuality per se should not preclude the equal rights of child custody.

7) The right of homosexuals to serve in the Armed Forces and, therefore, the removal of provisions for convicting service personnel of conduct and/or acts legal under the Criminal Code; further the rescinding of policy statements reflecting on the homosexual.

8) To know if it is a policy of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to identify homosexuals within any area of government service and then question them concerning their sexuality and the sexuality of others; and if it is the policy we demand its immediate cessation and destruction of all records so obtained.

9) All legal rights for homosexuals which currently exist for heterosexuals.

10) All public officials and law enforcement agents to employ the full force of their office to bring about changes in the negative attitudes and de facto expressions of discrimination and prejudice against homosexuals.

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