Jesus’s letter to After Stonewall

'Do not believe the lies of Satan'

Do not deceive yourself. I, Jesus The Christ, the Eternal God, with My Father and with My Spirit, will not be mocked by those who believe the lies of homosexuality. I will not be mocked by those who think My Last Supper is a joke. I don’t care who you are or what your so-called laws and policies are, I AM the final word and the Eternal Judge of all that lives and dies. Those who reject Me, also reject My father, the Eternal God, for We are One. Those who continue to sin in homosexuality and their sympathizers will be going to the Pit for Eternity. Judgment is coming to you in this life and the next if you continue in rebellion. I guarantee this, for God does not lie. I want you to read Deuteronomy chapter 28 versus fifteen to sixty-eight. Why? Because that is what is going to happen to you in this life before I sentence you to The Pit for Eternity in the next life. I cannot make this any plainer — homosexuality is sin. Creation and your existence prove this. Do not believe the lies of Satan. No one is born gay, but rather, become so-called “gay”. Do you understand this? If you cannot understand this, it is only because you don’t want to understand. Remember, life is very, very short. Remember: Pride equals The Pit. Pride equals The Pit. Pride equals The Pit. Pride equals The Pit. Pride equals The Pit. Pride equals The Pit. Pride equals The Pit.

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Power, News, Faith & Spirituality, Ottawa

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