F212 death due to overdose

The man found dead at F212 Apr 18 died as a result of a mixed-drug overdose, says the BC Coroners Service.

The man, who remains unidentified, had cocaine and GHB in his system, confirms coroners’ spokesperson Terry Foster.

Described as being in his mid-to-late 20s, the man was believed to have been a semi-regular at the Davie St bathhouse.

Floyd Norquay who has worked at F212 for 10 years – three as manager – said it’s the first time he can remember anyone dying on the premises.

Gay men’s health worker Phillip Banks says it’s a commonly acknowledged fact that many gay men use stimulants to enhance their sexual experiences.

It’s incumbent on guys using party drugs to be aware of what they’re doing and how mixing drugs may affect them, Banks says. He believes clubs and tubs should make harm-reduction materials available on site and have protocols in place to deal with people who may find themselves in bad situations, so they don’t simply retreat to their rooms if they’re having an adverse drug reaction.

Norquay says F212 already carries pamphlets on safer drug use and has invited outreach groups into the tubs in the past.

He says when people take a bit too much, they usually just crash and pass out. “Usually, it ends up being a wake-up call,” he adds.

Of course, patrons are not to supposed to be doing drugs in the bathhouse, Norquay points out. “They sign a waiver saying that they’re not going to use drugs or alcohol on the premises,” he says, adding that people who get too high and become a problem are barred from the tub.

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