Ozon layers on the subversive camp
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Ozon layers on the subversive camp
Todd Haynes is Far From Heaven
Daniel MacIvor makes his directorial debut
Thom Fitzgerald hits the streets of Bucharest
Just to get you going
Stratford stages Tiff’s final play
Harrowing history
Unorthodox gay liberation by gay Orthodox
Watching QAF is gayer than the show itself
Have fun in the gender playground
Greek Buck gets harder
Such an admission of laziness on the part of a journalist is shocking
Play reverberates long after the characters have left the stage
The heart of the work
Dean and Dan are inspired by things that are not typically fashion
Not only that, but two straight girls are having a cat fight over who gets to tell the world about it
When tolerance is a thin cloth wrapping a very sharp knife
hooray for a film that dares to Challenge essentialist notions of sexual orientation