Out in Vancouver: April 20–26, 2017

Choice events in the city this week

Thursday, April 20

Connect: The Gathering Place’s Annual Art Show

Looking for a diamond in the rough? Some of the talent in this show will floor you. Connect showcases artwork from some of the area’s most vulnerable populations alongside established artists who live or work in the community. Over 200 works of art will be displayed, including paintings, photography, sculpture, pottery and mixed media. Proceeds go to The Gathering Place, which helps GLBT street youth. The show opens tonight, then runs every night until Sunday, April 30.

6–8pm. The Gathering Place Community Centre, 609 Helmeken St. vancouver.ca

Sidekicks Returns

This is a duos-only sketch comedy show — and what better duo than the amazing, beautiful, sexy and vivacious Amy Goodmurphy (and, oh yeah, Ryan Steele.) Ten duos will make you LOL so hard they’ll be selling panty shields in the lobby.

8pm–12am. The China Cloud, 524 Main St. Cover $10. facebook.com/events/1901196503486865/

Friday, April 21

Spring Fling 55+

I’ve always wondered, are these LGBT seniors parties are just coffee, cake and chit chat, or do they all throw their keys and Life Alert buttons into a free-for-all bowl and have some fun? Qmunity’s Spring Fling is a social soiree where seniors and older adults in the LGBTQ community toast the brightening days, the budding freshness of spring, and the early flirtations of summer, among friends, family, and community. Come enjoy an evening of light refreshments and entertainment.

5–8pm. Haro Park Centre Penthouse Suite, 1233 Haro St. This is a free event but please RSVP to eventbrite.ca/e/spring-fling-tickets-33436134378. More at whatsonqueerbc.com/event/spring-fling-55/.

Eye Roll: Another F$%&ing 90s Party

It’s been a quiet couple of weeks on the Cobblah front, but she’s back — and that does deserve an eye roll. Peach Cobblah returns with the 4th edition of this 90s messiness. Along with Peach are Misty Meadows and DJ Jef Leppard. Sweat out that puffy vest, rock out your man capris, and hyperventilate wearing hypercolor. If you’re looking for Peach, she’ll be at the front door eating egg rolls, because she can never get the name of the party right.

10pm. XYYVR, 1216 Bute St. Cover $6. facebook.com/events/283183932119723/.

Faux Girls


Coronation may be over — big sigh of relief — but now the events all need a bit of royalty in attendance to make the soiree special. This is Empress XLVI Jane Smokr’s first Faux Girls benefitting the DMS charities, HIM, Zee Zee Theatre, Rainbow Refugee and WAVAW. Maybe you will get to touch the crown, unless Tommy D is playing with it at home again.

10:30pm–12am. The Junction, 1138 Davie St. Cover $5. facebook.com/events/807078056115929/.

Saturday, April 22

Mabel League Kickoff Tournament

None of that West End slow-pitch for this league. This is down-and-dirty fastpitch that will keep your eyes glued to the field. Spring is here and that means the Mabel League is underway with their yearly kick-off tournament. The Mabel League is a softball league for lesbians, bisexual women, queer and trans folk and women allies in the Vancouver area. Come out to the kick-off celebration to play mini ball games with all levels of players, get free t-shirts, and win lots of prizes.

1–8pm. Connaught Park, 2390 West 10th Ave. $25 drop in fee to cover insurance for women not on a team. facebook.com/MabelLeagueFastpitch/.

Gay Music Bingo

If our bingo was like this, we’d have Del Stamp and Robin Graves singing all night with a little Conni Smudge thrown in — that’s when you appreciate alcohol, my friends. Join Mission’s gayest bingo callers for an evening of fabulous music bingo, great prizes, fun and lots of laughs! Stay after bingo for dancing till late.

7pm–12am. The Stage in Mission, 32998 1st Ave, Mission. $5 cover. facebook.com/events/209535969521790/.

Fundraiser For WAVAW

You don’t have to be a woman to support Women Against Violence Against Women. Help the cause by joining Tantra Fitness for a night of intoxicating and empowering performances featuring 14 of the most talented performers in dance, pole and aerial artistry. Please help an amazing cause.

7:30–9:45pm. The Odyssey, 686 West Hastings St. $25 at door. facebook.com/events/1489094034473972/.

Evilyn 13 Birthday Bonanza

Most people age gracefully, a few wrinkles here and there, a few grey hairs, mostly pubes, but I swear Evilyn 13 gets younger every year. Like a fine wine, she just gets better with age. Celebrate this alternative model, fashionista, cosplayer and DJ’s special night.

9pm. No cover. The Hindenburg, 23 West Cordova St. facebook.com/events/1730082297283183/.

Glitter & Skin

I told you Peach is back, and when the Cobblah is around you can count on a lot of nudity — not hers thank God — but other guys. She just has this control over them; the music plays and things start to drop. All amateurs, all bodies and builds, all rhythms, and a lot of smiles. Tonight features a whole new crop of cuties, who will dance, or fumble, or just plain streak to their hearts, and your eyes, content. The makeout corner has returned, just make sure Peach is finished “auditioning” in there.

10pm–2am. The Odyssey, 686 West Hastings St. $7 cover. facebook.com/events/1300614213392405/.

Sunday, April 23

Sing! With Little Shop Of Horrors

I can get into a lot of things, but I just never caught on to a giant singing Venus flytrap. It must just be me, since it keeps coming back. Now you can sing along with the plant and unleash your inner monster, with a sub-titled movie and an entire bar to join in.

6–10pm. XYYVR, 1216 Bute St. Entrance by donation. facebook.com/events/699173926936927/.

Investiture 46

Their Most Imperial and Sovereign Majesties Emperor XLVI Tommy D and Empress VLXI Jane Smokr will be announcing their beneficiary charities for the year, and will be bestowing titles to community members and welcoming title holders into the 46th Imperial House of Vancouver — The House of Delusion. Though he would tell you otherwise, when you see his majesty Tommy D out around the village you do not have to bend down on one knee and kiss his ring, or anything else he puts in front of your face. That would be the Pope.

6:30–9:30pm. The Junction, 1138 Davie St. Cover $5 with all proceeds going to DMS charities. facebook.com/events/240714946400629/.

Monday, April 24

QueerProv Workshop

Think you’re funnier than me? Well, that’s not hard to do: just watch my friend Syd play pool. Drop-in workshops open to the community, facilitated by QueerProv performers and guest teachers, will help heighten and expand your improv skills. Everyone is welcome, and after classes there will be a QueerProv show at XYYVR.

5:30–7pm. Qmunity, 1170 Bute St. $10 drop in fee every 2 weeks. facebook.com/events/1451951268157292/.

Tuesday, April 25

Sounds Like Fire: Femme4Femme

In this femme-focused showcase, witness brilliant magic born of community and coven, care and creativity, among four radical, vulnerable, and fiercely capable femmes: Amber Dawn, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Kama La Mackerel, and Kai Cheng Thom. Thom’s book, a place called No Homeland, launches in Vancouver at this event.

8–11pm. The Cultch, 1895 Venables St. Tickets $15 advance at thecultch.com or $20 at door. facebook.com/events/247455729058321/.

Wednesday, April 26

Flirting With Fido

Every gay guy needs a dog. Large, small, medium, they all attract guys on the seawall if they are cute, cuddly and trained — the dog, that is. Imagine if your cute pooch were trained to go after the cutie you were looking at and tug on his sweats until you came to get him. Dogs have a better track record than eHarmony, and you don’t have to fill out a dozen questionnaires. This non-profit saves and adopts out dogs. Because some of these dogs require training and extensive vet care and new homes, they are throwing a fundraiser to help. TVs will be displaying a list of dogs that are currently looking for home! That home could be yours.

5pm–1am. The Capital, 1178 Davie St. No cover. More info at facebook.com/events/251126665295286/.

Surviving To Thriving

This is a 10-week support group for self-identified lesbian, bisexual, trans, two spirit and queer women who have experienced or are experiencing violence and abuse, including intimate partner violence and childhood sexual abuse. Topics will include forms of abuse, impacts of abuse, personal values, relationships, sex and sexuality, emotions, community, and more. Before registering for this group, all interested participants will be invited to an initial meet-up with the facilitators to assess safety concerns and how they can best ensure safety, support, and confidentiality.

5:30–7:30pm. Battered Women’s Support Services in Vancouver. For confidentiality purposes please call 604-687-1868 ext. 315 to obtain the address. bwss.org/surviving-to-thriving/.

End Of The Rainbow

Back in the days of The Castle and The Royal, drag shows and numbers were classy. No Britney, no Gwen, no Christina, but instead Judy, Barbara, and Patti LaBelle. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen Willie Taylor do Patti better than she could herself. This show promises just that, the life of an icon. Electrifying, intense and real, this production will leave you breathless. End of the Rainbow is a true account of an all-too-mortal goddess on the eve of her destruction. End of the Rainbow surrounds the events of Judy Garland’s last comeback attempt in 1968.

8–10pm. Jericho Arts Centre, 1675 Discovery St. Tickets $25 general, $20 senior/student at brownpapertickets.com/event/2875967. Show runs until Saturday May 20. aceproductions.ca/category/current-shows/.

Gossip Anniversary

Not only is it the third anniversary of Davie Street’s only ’90s/’00s/R&B/dance/hip-hop night, but also the double-header birthdays of DJ about town G-Luve, and the hottie we all want to take home, Todd Hoye. Come wish the boys happy birthday; you may just get a smooch.

10pm–3am. 1181, 1181 Davie St. No cover. facebook.com/events/1444114835887820

Think there’s an upcoming event I should attend? Click here to list your event on dailyxtra.com or send me a note at oitc.vancouver@dailyxtra.com.

: Man about town scurrying into every bar, restaurant, nook and cranny looking for all the details to post the events you want to see. Drop me a line if you want your GLBT themed event, meeting, social, gathering, play party, circle jerk, listed online or even if you are one short for your orgy. I always aim to please.....unless its your eye...ouch!!!

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