Earlier this year, Toronto pop star Carly Rae Jepsen included a gay relationship plot line in her music video for “Call Me Maybe.” It was this little song that played on the radio a few times . . . maybe you heard it? It was kind of a sleeper hit.
Toronto electro-pop star Lights also decided to incorporate a touch of gayness in her new video, “Timing Is Everything,” which features two gay gym bunnies falling in blissful love on the eliptical machines. For the record, I have never felt anything other than nausea and a violent, searing hatred for the creator of the eliptical machine while on those horrible things, but I’m willing to overlook this unrealistic plot hole because it’s adorable and the song is catchy.
But between Carly Rae Jepsen and Lights, does that mean we can look forward to a future of adorable gays in pop videos? I really hope so, because right now it’s either this or a never-ending stream of glitter farts and awkward-white-people rap bridges. Bring on more gays, please.