‘Fag hag’ Courtney Love owes it all to her gays

The homos taught Courtney Love how to be a rock star.

“Freshman year of learning how to be a rock star was just hanging around drag queens,” Love revealed in an interview with Gay Times magazine.

But her connection to the gay community started even before she picked up the guitar. “When I was a kid I was definitely what you would call a fag hag because that’s how I learned to dress and be extrovert and walk into a room,” Love said.

This isn’t the first time Courtney has claimed she owes it all to her gay following. She told Vanity Fair, “My homos — they stick by me through thick and thin.” And in an interview with The Rainbow Times last summer, she said that it isn’t a show if her fags aren’t in the audience. “If I don’t have the gays, I just go nuts, because they always know every word and they’re the best core audience you can have,” she said.

As for why her gay fan base has been so loyal over the years, Love thinks it’s all about their admiration of her ability to pick herself up and keep going.

“Surviving,” Love said of what makes her a gay icon. “It has to be. Surviving, and also the ability to do drag, to clean up nice. I might look like shit this morning, but you know, I clean up nice.”

Love is reuniting with her band Hole next month with the release of their new single, “Wedding Day,” and eight concerts scheduled in the United Kingdom.

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