‘Canada’s Drag Race’ Season 2, Episode 7 power ranking: From roasted to toasted

One of the weirdest episodes of ‘Drag Race’ ever propels an underdog to the top

Welcome to Canada’s Drag Race Power Rankings! Every Friday, we’ll debrief the week’s new episode of Canada’s Drag Race Season 2 to determine which queens are riding high, and which need she-mergency care. One of the strangest episodes of Drag Race ever doesn’t shake up the chart much—but it does make one queen the new leader of the pack.

6. Kimora Amour (last week: 4) — ELIMINATED

“This song is so dumb, I don’t even know how to lip sync to this shit,” Kimora said in a confessional. And indeed, she did not! Like I said, we’ll be digesting Kimora’s performance of b4-4’s “Get Down” for quite some time. But at least she gave us something to talk about on her way out the door instead of just throwing in the towel as she indicated she might. While Kimora’s roast wasn’t the worst of the night, she faltered in a major way on the runway, with an ill-fitting nude illusion that ruined what was otherwise a pretty impressive raven look. And then once the lip sync happened, there was no possible way she could stay. Farewell to an icon, one who made this season all the more enjoyable.

5. Gia Metric (last week: 3)

I really feel for Gia, who seemed genuinely disturbed and thrown off by what Kimora pulled in the lip sync. She stayed committed and did really well with an odd song, though, and likely earned a great deal of respect from the judges for keeping on despite bizarre circumstances. Gia’s looks were across-the-board great, from her lime green one in the mini-challenge to her lizard queen fantasy on the runway. But her roast was one of the worst, ranking down there with Pythia’s. Gia’s been doing so well after her premiere episode lip sync, so this was a definite stumble for her—how ow she recovers will tell us whether she’s destined to make it to the finale, or if she’ll fall just short.

4. Adriana (last week: 5)

Difficulty at the start of her roast aside, I actually thought Adriana was among the better performers. The judges appreciated her sticking with it and fighting through nerves, and while there were some quibbles over her Mugler recreation runway, the overall impression of her this week seemed to be positive. However, Adriana’s trajectory is on a full downward slope at this point; her acting challenge win feels like a distant memory compared to all her recent low placements. Earlier in the season, after she came out of her shell in Episode 3, I had her pegged as the most likely to join Icesis Couture and Pythia in the final three. Now, I’d bet that she’s out the door in one of the next two weeks.


3. Pythia (last week: 2)

Sometimes it’s not about how you do in a challenge, but about how the judges receive your lesser performances. For as rough as Pythia was in the roast—seriously, she got by far the worst response to her jokes—the judges seemed eager to skip over that and instead focus on what they liked about her. And I agree that the runway reveal into a centaur puppet costume was just perfection. 

But at a time when Icesis, Pythia’s biggest competition for the crown, is really hitting her stride, Pythia seems to be struggling to find strong footing. My guess is, after losing two previous look challenges, Pythia’s time may be coming with the makeover. She benefits from having a very distinctive makeup style; the makeover challenge is often easiest for those who can convincingly replicate their own face on their subject. We’ll see!

2. Icesis Couture (last week: 1)

If the crown had to be given out right this second, I don’t think there’s any doubt Icesis would nab it. Not only does she have two challenge wins under her belt to everyone else’s one, but she also nearly won this challenge. Going over her allotted time during the roast was unfortunate, and Brooke Lynn in particular took offense to Icesis not getting to the jokes about her. (A fair point—it was literally a roast about Brooke Lynn.) 

But no one was more confident and naturally funny than Icesis—including this week’s winner. On the runway, I loved the top half of Icesis’ witch look, but the shape of the skirt felt a little incongruent. Still, I’m quibbling. Icesis was terrific, and her position in the competition couldn’t be better. Now, she just needs to keep up the momentum.

1. Kendall Gender (last week: 6)

Congrats to Kendall on her first win! She’s had a rough time, so it was nice to see her pick up a victory. I do think she benefitted from Icesis going over time, but who cares? A win’s a win. And while I didn’t love her dress on the runway, the way she rendered her mug, hair and ears for her elf look was just perfect. 

The question now is whether this is a temporary boost for Kendall, or if she’ll be able to ride this wave into the finale. It does feel like she’s gaining confidence at the right time, and she only has to maintain this momentum for two more weeks. She also has one less lip sync against her than Gia, so in the likely event that the two have to lip sync against each other, I’d bet on her chances of surviving. And who knows? With this one win already in the bank, she could absolutely pull out more. If she can not just survive but thrive, watch out: we may be in for the age of Gender.

Kevin O’Keeffe is a writer, host, instructor, and RuPaul’s Drag Race herstorian living in Los Angeles, California. His favourite pastime is watching a perfect lip sync.

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