Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock…
My sister Shannon sent me this (thanks!) and I’m probably going to go check this out for my print column…and so should you. Think of all the hilarious tales of awkwardness and heartbreak and “you wouldn’t believe what this guy/girl said to me at this speed dating thing…” that you’ll be able to regale your friends with…I’m SO there. Mark your calendars folks. Part of me is also hoping that Tommy D at the Majestic will bring back his dating show. I would like tobe a Bachelor on that bad boy…ughn!
It’s been a while since I’ve Meat Street Beated it all over this blog, but here goes:
MUNK “Down in L.A.” (Shazam Version) from Leroy Hanghofer on Vimeo.
The video is awesome. I love electro-funk. Enjoy.