Xavier Dolan’s latest film, Laurence Anyways, has been named to the Toronto International Film Festival’s top 10 Canadian feature film list for 2012. The film, a melodrama set in the ’80s, follows the character Laurence through his transition to a woman and the effects it has on his relationship with his female partner, Fred.
“Who cares if there is a surfeit of emotionalism and music?” reads a quote given by Barri Cohen, one of the judges on the panel who voted the film onto the list.
“Our film culture needs more affect, not less. I say bring it on, and bravo! One will be hard-pressed not to be gobsmacked and in love with Laurence and the film’s riveting performances.”
Below is an interview Xtra did with Dolan on the red carpet for the Toronto premiere of the film. The top 10 films will show from Jan 4-13 at TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto.