Best bets at this year’s Rhubarb Festival

Pink Triangle Press plays host to live event

The 35th annual Rhubarb Festival runs Feb 12 to 23 here in Toronto. But with so many works in theatre, performance art, dance and music to choose from, how can you decide what to see? Start by checking out this video interview with Laura Nanni, Rhubarb’s director, in which she talks about some of the exciting pieces on offer.

The 35th annual Rhubarb Festival runs Feb 12 to 23 here in Toronto. But with so many works in theatre, performance art, dance and music to choose from, how can you decide what to see?

Start by watching the above video interview with Laura Nanni, Rhubarb’s director, in which she talks about some of the exciting pieces on offer.

Most of the events and shows happen at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, but some will take place off-site, including at the offices of Pink Triangle Press (publishers of Daily Xtra). Starting Wednesday, Feb 12 and running to Feb 14, members of lemonTree creations will be doing interviews with key players who were involved in the formation and operation of The Body Politic. They will take what they get from each interview and incorporate it into a scene or monologue that will be performed live on the spot.

So, come to the Pink Triangle Press offices at 2 Carlton St, Ste 1600, on Wednesday, Feb 12, from 6pm to 9pm; Thursday, Feb 15, from noon to 3pm; and Friday, Feb 14, from 3pm to 6pm, and watch a play become a reality.

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