My Montreal: Richard Burnett

Male strip club Campus is a gay village institution

From favourite events to hidden gems off the beaten path, My Montreal gets the inside scoop from local residents about what not to miss when visiting the city. In this installment we asked gay journalist Richard “Bugs” Burnett to name his favourite city haunt.

“Montreal is rightly famous the world over for its bawdy strip joints. And the boys here take everything off. Some of them even have hard-ons! My fave peeler bar is Campus in the Gay Village. Over the years Campus has also been a favourite of Calvin Klein, former NFLer David Kopay, Armistead Maupin, Nathan Lane, David Hyde Pierce and Jean Paul Gaultier who once told me, laughing, ‘It must be my twin brother you saw!’ Porn director Chi Chi LaRue – dressed in full drag – was even kicked out of there once. They wouldn’t let her in because she’s a drag queen, Chi Chi told me. They were even playing one of her films on the TV monitors at the time! Campus quickly apologized and today the joint remains a favourite of locals and celebrities alike, if you enjoy cold beers and hot cocks!” — Richard ‘Bugs’ Burnett, journalist

Check out Campus dancers and more info at

Explore other recommeded spots in the My Montreal series.

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Travel, Canada, Vancouver, Drag, Ottawa, Toronto

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