The Canadian Environmental Network has had
to close its doors after losing its government funding. Try to look surprised.
Also, cuts are coming to Veterans Affairs. Earlier this year, the government cut funding for an important criminology journal – and then told a completely different story about the
chain of events around it. Try to look surprised.
What’s that? It was political pressure that
caused CanNor – the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency – to break pretty much
every financial rule in the book in order to establish itself and start
getting money out the door so the government could look like it was delivering
programs? You don’t say!
Harper is also hinting that Quebec may get the additional seats it’s demanding in the new legislation to correct some of the
current inequities in our representation-by-population model, even if its
population may not warrant it.
Susan Delacourt looks at the recent spate of rumours regarding the death of the Liberal Party.
NDP officials are contradicting Thomas
Mulcair’s claims about unfair processing times for Quebec party memberships.
NDP rookie Laurin Liu (of the robot hands)
finds it “empowering” that, at 20, she’s asking questions of cabinet ministers
old enough to be her grandfather.
And former Liberal cabinet minister and
Treasury Board president Reg Alcock died on Friday. He is seen as the “godfather”
of open government in Canada; he started the practice of putting up government
expenses online and got the ball rolling on a number of accountability measures
that the Conservatives later adopted.