The posters

Here’s what the posters said.

“It pays to be in power. Just ask Kyle. 392-7903. Brought to you by the Campaign To Remove A Prude From Public Office (CRAP-off).”

“Kyle Rae recently stole some of the credit after a well-fought campaign by community group TNT Men won Hanlan’s Point as a nude beach. Thanks for nothing, Kyle.”

“Resident associations vote more often then squeegee kids. Just ask Kyle.”

“Kyle Rae led a city campaign against street kids’ efforts to support themselves through squeegeeing.”

“Kyle Rae helped shut a Salvation Army hostel for the homeless on Dundas Square because it conflicted with his big business, tourism plans for the area. Thanks for nothing, Kyle.”

“Kyle Rae limited access for street people to the 519 Community Centre. Thanks for nothing, Kyle.”

“Wealthy condo owners vote more often then club fags. Just ask Kyle.”

“Kyle Rae has consistently opposed a dance club within the gay village – including the old Colby’s site which has been a gay club for over 15 years.”

“Kyle Rae supported a police campaign to close back rooms at gay bars along Church St. Thanks for nothing, Kyle.”

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