Pride In Brief


The CBC is very, very sorry that an employee sent out an anti-gay note during Pride week.

“First of all, please allow me to apologize on behalf of CBC Radio for the inappropriate remarks made by our music library employee in response to your recent e-mail,” reads a Jun 25 letter. “Please be assured that this issue is being dealt with in a suitable manner by the employee’s supervisors. His remarks to you are not a reflection of CBC attitudes or policies….”

It’s signed by Bridget Hoffer, director of radio communications.

At the beginning of Pride, PEI-based music manager Campbell Webster wrote a note to selected CBC employees plugging one of his acts – John Southworth and his new CD, Sedona Arizona, and a cut titled “Cute Girls, Gay Guys.”

What he got back from someone identifying themselves as Toronto record library employee Bryan Brodie was: “Who the hell are you and how did you get my internet address? Do not, I repeat do not, ever send me anything again that propagates gays. In fact, do not ever contact me again!”


As predicted, there was no Pride Day shoeshining on Church St.

But street urchin Peter Gibbs thought he’d get at least one day of business on Sat, Jun 26.

It was not to be. He got in all of 45 minutes of work.

“I just got kicked off the street by the by-law inspector,” Gibbs said early Saturday afternnon. “And it was my understanding that they weren’t going to harass me until Sunday. I’m kind of screwed.”

Pride organizers told Gibbs earlier that he’d have to buy an $450 permit to work the area – and he’d have to set up in the Marketplace in the parking lot in front of the Wellesley subway.


Book your hotel rooms early for next year’s Pride!

The Seventh Day Adventists will take over the city exactly a year from now.

“They are faxing most of the B & Bs,” warns Gary Stothers of Cabbagetown’s Aberdeen Guest House bed and breakfast. “They’ve taken up blocks of hotel rooms already!” he warns.

The group will hold its 57th general conference Jun 27 to Jul 12 in the year 2000. Pride is usually the last Sunday in June.


Mayor Mel Lastman pleaded for everyone to wear lots of clothing on Pride weekend – for nought.

No one paid attention – there were nude people in the parade. But no one was charged, either.

Pride committee media spokesperson Scott Ferguson says there were no arrests – that he knows of – during Pride weekend.


The annual Pride post mortem will be held at 7pm on Tue, Jul 13 at the 519 Church Street Community Centrre.


All are welcome.

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