Methodists, machista and a gay knockout

Your Daily Package of newsy and naughty bits from around the world

Gay boxer dedicates win to Orlando victims

Puerto Rican boxer Orlando Cruz, who is native to Puerto Rico but also lives in Florida, dedicated a hard-fought win on Friday to the victims of the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting. Cruz says four of his friends died in the tragedy.

Read more at the Advocate.

Investigators: Nice attacker was bisexual

According to an investigation into last week’s truck attack that killed nearly a hundred people in the French city of Nice, the perpetrator Mohamed Bouhlel was bisexual. Photos on his phone detailed both male and female partners, while his family described a troubled, angry man.

Read more at Newsweek.

Gay entrepreneur a controversial speaker at Republican convention

PayPal co-founder and Silicon Valley star entrepreneur Peter Thiel, who is also openly gay, will speak at the Republican National Convention. The Donald Trump campaign downplayed the significance of Thiel’s sexuality, while other tech executives wrote an open letter saying Trump would be bad for innovation.

Bolivia’s macho president accidentally helped gay rights

Bolivia’s surprisingly progressive trans rights law, passed earlier this summer, only ever happened because the ruling party wanted to quell backlash against their president’s bad jokes, reports the Washington Post. After self-described machista president Evo Morales made a crack about being a cabinet minister being a lesbian, the party quietly passed the law to smooth things over.

Methodists defy dogma and elect lesbian bishop

The Western district of the American United Methodist Church has elected an openly gay bishop, Reverend Karen Oliveto, from San Francisco. The election flies in the face of church doctrine, which officially bans LGBT people from positions of authority.

Read more at LGBTQ Nation.

Niko Bell

Niko Bell is a writer, editor and translator from Vancouver. He writes about sexual health, science, food and language.

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Power, News, Blog, The Daily Package

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