As many who have been following the blog know, Kox & Kuntz has paid particular attention to the Quartier des spectacles dossier and how it ultimately impacts the cultural institution that is Café Cléopatre. The stripper bar and the community burlesque stage upstairs were at risk of being ousted from plans to give the red-light district a facelift, but now, it seems as though karma is a bitch and that bitch’s name is The ECONOMY. Angus Developers have halted contruction on the area, opting for the leftover pilons and contructions dirt look that is so very chic in architecture these days. The Gazette says it is only 15% complete, and that there are already fancy lights! “700 red sidewalk spots creating a red-carpet
effect and echoing the marquee lights of area theatres, facade lighting
for the Musée, Monument National and other buildings, and La Vitrine, an
interactive wall of lights spelling in letters and signs that it’s
showtime in the city.”
And the lighting director for the Quartier is quoted as saying “The more you create a nighttime atmosphere, the more people will go
out,” he said. Well, I like to see my nighttime atmosphere light up with sex workers,
seedy joints and whores. Call me carazay!