How to win an argument

1. Be realistic.

We can all debate politics and culture without resorting to silly “the sky is falling” crap, no? Well, everyone but these people:

2. Be funny.

But if you are going big, like in arguments against the US ban on gay marriage, something memorably snide like this editorial from Wonkette editor Ken Layne or this comedy sketch do the trick:

3. Be positive.

The National Post teamed up with B’nai Brith in pitting queers against each other over the phony notion that the Pride committee has banned Queers Against Israeli Apartheid. Drama ensues. But while I agree with the group’s goal of Palestinian self-determination, I can’t help but wonder about the name, one guaranteed to piss off lots of Jewish people. Why not “Queers for Palestinian Freedom?” A little sugar helps the medicine go down, no?

4. Try teabagging your opponent.

What did Eminem ever do to Bruno to earn him this hello at the MTV Movie Awards?


5. Don’t murder your opponent.

A Kansas abortionist was murdered in a church during Sunday mass. Even the pro-lifers are horrified and Barack Obama‘s response was plain and simple:

“I am shocked and outraged by the murder of
Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning.
However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such
as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.”

Can you believe this even needs to be said? It’s time we all took another look at the lost art of debate.

A former editor of the late, lamented fab magazine, Scott has been writing for Xtra since 2007 on a variety of topics in news pieces, interviews, blogs, reviews and humour pieces. He lives on the Danforth with his boyfriend of 12 years, a manic Jack Russell Terrier, a well-stocked mini-bar and a shelf of toy Daleks.

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