George Takei denies sexual assault allegations
After an actor accused George Takei of groping him while he was unconscious, Takei has denied ever having met his accuser. [The Guardian]
Mexican lawmakers echo homophobic soccer chant
International and Mexican soccer officials have been trying to stamp out a homophobic stadium chant popular among Mexican fans. But this week the chant made an appearance in the country’s parliament. [Associated Press]
Mozambique LGBT group wins right to exist
A court in Mozambique has ruled that the country’s only LGBT organization has the right to official registration. Homosexuality was only legalized in Mozambique last year, but the government has denied the organization Lambda’s right to official status. [Equal Eyes]
Bolivian judge bars transgender marriage
A Bolivian constitutional court has ruled that while transgender people may change gender identity on official documents, the change does not grant all equal rights, including marriage. Same-sex marriage is constitutionally banned in Bolivia. [Vanguardia]
Bhutan’s LGBT community seeks acceptance
The tiny Buddhist nation of Bhutan is famous for its ethic of compassion and happiness. But when it comes to accepting LGBT citizens, the country still has a long way to go. [The Wire]