Try to guess which American state has the highest rate of gay porn viewership! Here’s a hint: it’s one of the country’s more homophobic areas, and it’s in the south, and it’s Mississippi. (As you can see, I’m not good at hints.)
According to data from Pornhub, Mississippi — a state where anal sex isn’t even legal and gay marriage is still off the table — has the highest viewership in the country. To be fair, what else is there to do in Mississippi? Nothing.
Of course, there are two ways to look at this:
First is the theory that there are a bunch of homophobes in the area who outwardly condemn homosexuality while enjoying gay porn in private. That’s the most schadenfreudian view. The second theory is that, since gay marriage and anal sex are illegal and there aren’t many openly gay people around, gay guys in Mississippi turn to porn as a safe way to get off.
Either way, the running thread in the two theories is that Mississippi is terrible. Never go to Mississippi.