Feeling a little bit like Elizabeth Berkley in Showgirls?

Slap Upside the Head, another gay Canadian blog, has spurred the innernets into action with an incindiary post about the CONs and a certain ex-gay with charity status and FULL TAX BENEFITS. Get acted, innernets! Lick a pole in protest! Or Sign something! Like a petition or some shit! Or write your goverment! Likeachamp! (email: CharitiesComplianceDivisi.LPRA@cra-arc.gc.ca).

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A Big Brother Canada twist finds its way to Canada’s Drag Race, and shakes up the power rankings as a result

‘Canada’s Drag Race’ Season 5, Episode 6 recap: The Wooden Beaver has spoken

A “Survivor”-style Snatch Game disappoints the judges—and leaves power in the queens’ hands

‘Canada’s Drag Race’ Season 5, Episode 5 power ranking: Grunge girls

To quote Garbage’s “When I Grow Up,” which queen is “trying hard to fit among” the heavy-hitter cast, and whose performance was “a giant juggernaut”?

‘Canada’s Drag Race’ Season 5, Episode 5 recap: Here comes the sunshine

We’re saved by the bell this week as we flash back to the ’90s