Doug Ford is still vowing to scrap sex-ed curriculum

‘I can tell you one thing, we’re repealing it. And I’ll tell you another thing, we keep our promises,’ Ford says

Doug Ford, who led the Progressive Conservatives to a resounding majority win in the Ontario election, is vowing to scrap the comprehensive sexual-education curriculum as soon as he can.

“I’ll sit down with our new cabinet and with the minister of education, discuss that with them,” he told reporters the day after his victory. “But I can tell you one thing, we’re repealing it. And I’ll tell you another thing, we keep our promises.”

Ford’s opposition to the sex-ed curriculum, which was introduced under the previous Liberal government, helped get him elected as leader of the PCs and has garnered him the support of a number of anti-LGBT activists.

The revised curriculum, which Ford has falsely claimed forces students to learn about “six different genders and all the nonsense,” gives teachers tools to address issues like consent and LGBT identities.

Charles McVety, the president of Canada Christian College and an outspoken opponent of the sex-ed curriculum, commented on the Ford victory in a Facebook post.

Charles McVety’s Facebook post celebrating Doug Ford’s victory. Credit: Charles McVety/Facebook

“The man who saved the Jesus Parade, who promises to repeal the radical elements of sex ed . . . He is now Premier,” McVety wrote.

Even Tanya Granic Allen, who Ford kicked out as a PC candidate this election for anti-LGBT and anti-Muslim comments, appeared to be praising the PC win.

Tanya Granic Allen praises the Progressive Conservative win in a tweet posted June 7, 2018. Credit: Tanya Granic Allen/Twitter

“Jubilant crowd here at the PC victory party,” she wrote on Twitter. “Doug Ford commits to working for the future of our children.”

Granic Allen, a prominent anti–sex-ed activist, told CTV News that she hopes the Ford government will repeal the sex-ed curriculum in time for the upcoming school year.


Read More About:
Power, Politics, News, Ontario, Sex education, Canada

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