I was in Ottawa and Gatineau this holiday, and had such a relaxing time. I bought awesome books (Zoe Whittall’s For As Long As Possible and Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood). Also went to the Lookout, one of Ottawa’s oldest gay bars, where people were funny, sexy and all around dope.
What is everyone doing for NYE 2010? I haven’t decided, though it won’t be a big event. Probably some cider and whisky with some friends, snow, and hopefully, a dog or two. Some good stuff happening in the city tho, for cheap. Check out the parties here. [Kox & Kuntz]
Apparently, gay teenage girls can be expelled from religious schools for “homosexual behaviour” because religious schools are considered private property and so the expulsion does not fall under the jurisdiction of human rights violation. [LA Times]
A transsexual undergoing a year-long transition to her true self, Jillian Page, writes about the illusive G-Spot over at Montreal Gazette. [Patent Pending]
Xtra writer examines the new Kids in the Hall series on CBC, which makes its debut Jan 12, 2010 [Xtra]