Bollywood actor satirizes India’s ban on gay sex

Chances are you’re currently coming down from some sort of holiday hangover, so let’s ease back into the political stuff softly here, with a little humour and some Bollywood man-candy.

As you’ve probably heard, India reinstated its ban on homosexual sex. Apparently, the Supreme Court was like, “Progress? Nyeh. I’m sure that law we wrote 150 years ago is perfectly fine. Let’s just do that again.”

In response, numerous straight Indian men kissed each other to protest the law, and now they’re taking it a step further: Bollywood actor Imran Khan has put together a satirical video tearing apart Section 377 and the thinking behind it.

Khan wastes absolutely no time shining a harsh light on people’s paranoia about gay people and puts it all in context by reminding his fellow Indians of some of the less savoury parts of their culture they allowed. Not only is Khan funny and smart, but god dammit, dude is a stone-cold fox.

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