Jenna Talackova’s health transformation

“My healthiest transformation,” Jenna Talackova tells PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), “was going vegan.”

It was undercover footage of factory farms that made the Miss Universe pioneer stop eating meat.

“I don’t think words can describe seeing an animal tortured like that,” she says. “It’s unethical, and it’s something I want to fight against. You are what you eat, and I’d rather be a fruit than a dead, rotting carcass.”

Jenna unveiled her PETA ad on Davie Street today. It features the reality-TV beauty wearing a lettuce and carrot headpiece and cabbage tits that put Gaga’s seashells to shame:

Jenna’s show, Brave New Girls, airs Sundays on E! and follows her as she moves from Vancouver to Toronto to pursue her modelling dreams.

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