Rachel Giese is the editorial director of Xtra and the executive producer of “Off the Chart.” She’s a Subaru-owning, women-in-white-undershirts-worshipping, loves-to-process lesbian cliché. @rachelagiese

Erica Lenti is a senior editor at Xtra, and the resident millennial L Word memelord. She deeply rejects that BuzzFeed thinks she’s a Jenny; she actually makes a living as a writer. #BettePorterForPresident. @ericalenti

Eternity Martis is a senior editor at Xtra, and is shamefully unashamed to be the last of the hosts to watch The L Word. A BuzzFeed quiz says she’s a Shane, but she also knows she’s a badass Bette. @eternitymartis
Michelle Turingan is the managing producer of video at Xtra, and possibly the only person on the planet who loves Jenny Schecter. According to BuzzFeed, they are an Alice and they are okay with that assessment. @chelleturingan “Off The Chart” is produced by Corey Misquita (@coreymisquita). Rachel Matlow (@rachelmatlow) is the senior producer. Music for “Off the Chart” is by KidKulit. So get ready for “Off the Chart”—we promise it will give you nipple confidence.