USD tries to pray the drag away

The University of San Diego recently put together its annual Supreme Drag Superstar event, wherein renowned drag queens come together to give the student body a little time to relax and unwind in light of upcoming exams. It’s just a light and fluffy show featuring men in dresses and wigs, but of course, a small but vocal minority of religious students took this as a “slap in the face” (their words, not mine) and decided to try to pray the show away.

Some Catholic students strongly believe that this type of show shouldn’t be held on campus.

“There are a lot of Catholic students on campus who specifically came to this school with the intention of attending a Catholic university, so to a big extent, it feels like a betrayal almost,” said Urbanek.

Still, some drag show supporters say the controversy needs to be put in perspective.

“I think it’s unfortunate that someone has to tell them they can’t wear what they’re wearing because it represents something that seems to be a lot bigger, but in reality it’s just an entertainment show,” said attendee “Sister Amanda.” [SOURCE]

First off, the host of the show was Manila Luzon, which . . . Seriously, Manila Luzon is performing at your school. That is nothing short of a gift from God. How very dare you.

Second — Well, I’m not sure how many times this can be repeated, but IT’S A DRAG SHOW. Shit’s not that serious. Even if you prayed to have the show cancelled, I’m pretty sure God has more important things on his/her plate. It’s not like God’s going to look up from his/her desk and go, “Wait, shit, a drag show? Well fuck, I was going to help Africa today, but you guys have real problems.”

[IMAGE SOURCE: Drag Race Macros]

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