Raise your rainbow cockrings high for Kevin Yee’s unofficial Sochi theme song!
All across the world everyone will come together, unless you are gay
Cuz if you’re a homo then you’re probably not invited, that is what they’ll say
But there’s a flame in all of us, so flame the flames you’ve flamed until you flamed it
And raise your rainbow cockrings high
Let it glisten in the sky
There’s no need to be quiet
Let’s start a pussy riot
The Sochi Olympics . . . The Winter Games of hate.
So they can put their spandex on, atop their muscular physique and flaunt their bigotry
But every single queer, from Billie King to Johnny Weir, will flaunt their faggotry
There’s some gay in all of us (remember college), so dream the dream you dream and don’t stop dreaming the dream you dream
And raise your rainbow cockrings high
Let it glisten in the sky
Shout your gay propaganda
While you sit on your veranda
The Sochi Olympics . . . The Winter Games of hate.
And you should reach for your dreams unless your dream is to love
Then you’ll be locked up in jail
Sometimes we lose the battle, but we will win the war
And that is why I sing
So raise your rainbow cockrings high
Let it glisten in the sky
And honey, if you agree
Then turn off NBC
And the Sochi Olympics . . . The Winter Games of hate.