Kenya, Hornet and gay breakups

Your Daily Package of newsy and naughty bits from around the world

Kenya awaits gay sex ruling

LGBT people in Kenya are waiting hopefully on a court case that could remove the legal ban on gay sex in the country. Reuters reports that many gay people in the country face discrimination in legal protection, housing and careers.

How Hornet built the world’s biggest LGBT newsroom

Gay dating app Hornet is still trailing big competitors like Grindr worldwide. But how did it put together the largest force of gay journalists in the world? [Forbes]

Study: Gay male couples least likely to break up

A study of straight, gay and lesbian relationships in Vermont showed that gay male couples are least likely to break up, followed by straight and then lesbian couples. It also showed no difference in relationship dissolution between those who were married and those who were not. [Williams Institute]

Bermuda delays marriage repeal

The government of Bermuda says that same-sex couples will still be able to marry there until May. Bermuda became one of the first jurisdictions to legalize and then repeal same-sex marriage earlier this month. [The Royal Gazette]

Costa Rica navigates court ruling on gay rights

The leading conservative evangelical candidate in Costa Rica’s presidential election says he hopes to find a diplomatic solution to avoid legalizing equal marriage without quitting the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. [Nacion]

Niko Bell

Niko Bell is a writer, editor and translator from Vancouver. He writes about sexual health, science, food and language.

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