Casey House’s ‘coach house’ may get new home

19th-century building could be moved to Summerhill to make way for new treatment centre

It’ll take some engineering magic, but Casey House staff may have found a taker for its headline-grabbing offer of a free 19th-century heritage house to anyone who’s willing to move it off their property.

The city had given Casey House permission to demolish the house to make way for its new treatment centre and offices but wanted to provide an opportunity for anyone interested to save the unique, 3000-square-foot 1898 coach house.

The Toronto Star is reporting that three offers were made for the house, but only one came with a proposed site to move it to. That offer proposes to move it to Molson Street, a short street in Summerhill south of the CN tracks that currently has only a few garages on it.

Severing the lot to accommodate the house would require approval from the committee of adjustment, as would other construction issues involving the movement of the house. The mover would also have to come up with a plan for transporting the house from Jarvis and Isabella streets, along Bloor and Yonge streets, to the site.

Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam is hosting a community consultation about the move Tues, May 20 at 7pm at city hall. Casey House needs the lot vacated by Labour Day to begin construction of the new building.

Rob Salerno is a playwright and journalist whose writing has appeared in such publications as Vice, Advocate, NOW and OutTraveler.

Read More About:
Health, News, Opinion, History, Toronto

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