You have to hand it to Equality House: they do some fine anti-trollin’. Ever since they bought a house across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church and painted it all the colours of the rainbow, they’ve been doing some fantastic work counteracting the WBC’s special brand of bigotry.
Now they’re upping the stakes the only way you can when fighting the most openly homophobic organization in North America: with drag queens! In a post on their Facebook page, Equality House has announced that they’re hosting a drag show/walk-a-thon on their property, just for the WBC. Okay, they actually kinda sound like fun neighbours.
On October 26th Planting Peace will be hosting the first annual Equality House drag themed walk-a-thon! We are inviting you, your family, and your friends to all come out and parade around the Westboro Baptist Church with us whether in costume or not but either way raising money for the Equality House and looking fabulous during the whole event!! If you or a team would like to sign up or receive more information please send us a Facebook message!!
So technically speaking, if they’re organizing a drag queen walk-a-thon, would that make it an actual drag race? (I’ll admit, that joke wasn’t A-material. I apologize for that.)
The WBC trades pretty heavily in hate, and it’s easy as hell — fun even! — to hate them back. But the most potent way to fight back against them, and this is something I found works wonders against trolls, is to be unfailingly nice to them. Nothing throws off trolls more than someone actually treating them like human beings.