Toxic Takeover

We’re totally addicted and need plenty of Detox at Capital Pride

Detox may have missed out on placing in the top three of last season’s RuPaul’s Drag Race, but she’s been winning at everything else ever since. Fresh off a performance at the Vienna Life Ball, the jaw-dropping queen will perform at this year’s Capital Pride. Ottawa will never be the same. Xtra chatted with Detox ahead of her Pride show.

Xtra: Do you just go by Detox now, or do you still use your full name?

Detox: I’ve always gone as Detox. Detox iCunt kind of happened when I moved to LA. Jackie Beat started calling me that, and it just kind of stuck, but I don’t really use the last name.

You’re a queen who’s had some amazing opportunities — including doing music videos with Kesha and Rihanna and, of course, being on RuPaul’s Drag Race. What would you say has been the highlight of your drag career thus far?

I don’t know. Drag Race definitely was a huge opportunity and something that I’ve wanted to do since the show started. And I think it’s a gateway to do bigger and better things. But I have more in mind; I have more goals that I want to accomplish. I think the highlight of my career so far was doing the Life Ball with my band DWV [Detox, Willam and Vicky Vox] this past year.

I heard that was an incredible event.

It was a magical moment for the three of us.

DWV’s songs and videos are absolutely hilarious and have become viral hits. What is it like being part of that trio?

Willam is so driven, and Vicky and I just wanna sit down and eat or take a nap, but he doesn’t often allow that. It’s a great experience; working with some of my best friends is a treat. The scheduling has been really crazy, especially with my Drag Race going on, and then DWV blowing up the way it has. It’s like I’m never home and I don’t get to rest.

Is that the biggest downside of what you do?

Yeah, a little bit. But at the end of the day, it’s so worth it for me because I get to travel the world and meet so many fans and so many new friends, and I love that. But I am homesick; I haven’t been home in over a month.


Where has been your favourite place to visit so far?

I fell in love with Belgium. Vienna was crazy for the Life Ball, and it was beautiful. I love going to Chicago and New York; they’re like my second homes.

Going back to RuPaul’s Drag Race: I think this was the best season to date. I know you’ve applied to be on the show in the past and didn’t make it on. Looking back, are you glad to have been part of Season 5, or would you rather have been part of a different one?

No, I think everything happens for a reason. It sounds so cliché to say that, but the calibre of girls that were on this year, and especially knowing so many of them going into it, was such a treat for me and a lot of the other contestants. I was so pleased to be on this season.

Probably the most-used GIF on my phone is the one of you moving your mouth to Cher’s “Take Me Home.” Where did you learn to lip-sync like that?

By just being stupid. I have a lot of drag influences, and my biggest one is Sierrah Foxx, who is an amazing, amazing performer from Florida. She does a lot of robotic, twitchy craziness like that. I used to sneak into the bars when I was 16 just to go see her. She’s definitely been a large influence on me as a performer.

Your black-and-white look at the Drag Race reunion was major, and it exploded all over the internet the next day. Were you surprised at the reaction it got?

I was. My whole intention was to stand out and be like, “Well fuck it, if I’m not gonna win the show, I’m gonna fucking win the reunion.” But I wasn’t expecting it to go viral; it was so crazy.

All Stars Season 2 is going to happen sooner or later, and it’s a no-brainer you’ll be asked to be a part of it. If you had to choose a partner, who would it be and why?

No one! I hope they don’t do that partner shit again.

I know — that was pretty unfair.

I know. But if that was the case again, I’d have to pick Delta Work. I love her. She’s one of the smartest queens who’s ever been on the show and didn’t get the best wrap with the way she was showcased. I’d have to pick her.

How’s Ro-laska-tox doing? Do you all still kiki, or have you “had it” with them?

Well Roxxxy [Andrews] and I have been friends for like 10 or 11 years, and Alaska and I have been friends for half of that, for like five or six years, so every time we see each other it’s like a little family reunion. I love all the girls. Just because we may have beefs on the show doesn’t mean we don’t like each other.

You’re coming to Ottawa for Pride this year!

Yes! I’m so excited for it!

I don’t know if you’re aware, but Ottawa has been called the Most Boring City in Canada. What are you going to do to change that?

You’ll just have to wait and find out!

What projects do you have in the works right now? What can we look forward to seeing from Detox?

There’s all kinds of shit going on. DWV is working on a lot of projects right now. We’re getting a lot of things together for the rest of the year, and we’re writing a few theatre shows, as well. I’m also gearing up for the big Live Nation Drag Race tour.

Yes! That looks so fun!

I’m so excited about it because it gives us an opportunity to do larger-scale productions that we wouldn’t get to do normally.

What advice can you give to anyone who’s looking to get into or is currently doing drag?

Don’t do it! No, I’m kidding. Just be genuine. Be yourself. Find your own character, find your own niche, and stick to your guns.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to chat. I hope you’re not too hung over.

Oh, I don’t get hung over. I just get day-drunk. It’s the way to be.

Detox at Cirque Bizarre’s Tapette party
Fri, Aug 23, 10:30pm.
Lobby, 158 1/2 Rideau St

Read More About:
Culture, Music, News, Ottawa, Drag, Arts

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